For the past 100 days at the border and since August in their villages, the farmers are raising their voice against the three Corporate Farm Laws which have been ushered in by an arrogant Government without so much as a discussion in the Parliament.
The Farmers have been pitted against, probably, one of the most insensitive Govts that one can ever come across.
Their requests were stonewalled.
Their pleas were ignored.
Their demands were rubbished.
Their protests were met with brutal force of the Police.
100s of them have died in the protests and yet they have continued and only gotten stronger.
Most of us, urbanites haven’t even been close to these protests and can’t even fathom the extent of depravity that the Farmers have had to endure at the hands of the Govt.
Most of us don’t get the news about the protests because the Modia is stonewalling us and the social media is subduing the Farmers related posts.
The only time the issue of Farmers is brought up is when they are to be tainted as Anti Nationals.
But they haven’t given up.
And we shouldn’t give up supporting them either.
So, today, on the 100th day of this protest, raise your voices and lend your support to the Farmers in this struggle.
If you see a farmer around you, give him a hug and tell him you care.
Amplify their voices…… That’s one thing we can definitely do, for them, for us, for India.
Disclaimer: The only way you can fight a tyrant is by standing with the oppressed.
This article is written by Darshan Mondkar