A 30-second advertisement takes up around 16 hours of shooting time – Ayush Wadhwa

“Why are you charging so much for a video bro, I record it on my phone everyday na bro”
A 30-second advertisement while watching IPL or while watching a YouTube video takes up around 16 hours of shooting time.
Close to a month of effort, put in by anywhere between 100-150 people.
An entire set built from scratch (yes, it’s not shot in someone’s home!), a hundred plus people, from cast members to the camera person to the director, all working together in unison
Recently while shooting an ad film for our recent project at Owled Media, the production team even got an architect who prepared a 3D model and renders of the entire set, just so that we get everything right to the T.
Even though I have been on the sets of countless ads – still, every time I visit an ad film set- it’s awe-inspiring.
In awe of seeing the set being made and dismantled – all in a matter of 48-72 Hours.
The entire process makes me think about the work people like me who belong to the creative industry have.
Not just this, I also think of the work people from the creative industry do.
From the outside, the process of creation looks like a striking light bulb or taking out your phone and recording a video in a snap. But it isn’t.
It involves deeply learning a skill, applying it, practicing it, again & again, and collaborating with so many others. Only then a CREATIVE is made. Not that easy 🙂
Ayush Wadhwa
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