Guys, I don’t know what to do, it’s so scary to be here. I woke up at 7 am because of the sirens wailing. My parents are sitting in the kitchen and discussing what to do and where to go. People are running towards the roads to the west, it’s panic all over the city.
Tbh I’m scared no less than these people. I and my family don’t have any place to go. Guys, I really don’t know what to do. The TV says that 5 cities are attacked at the same time, so we’ve got nowhere to go. It’s just a matter of like 10-12 hours till they bomb the airports. Guys, I’m very scared
Edit: there is some news that they’re already bombing the airports. Not sure if it’s true yet, but it’s frightening asf.
Edit 2: to all of the people who are saying about my dad and his work rn: he works in the military manufacturing, he must be there because there is a very high chance that the government will oblige them to supply the front with their production for free. That’s why he has to be there immediately. In fact a part of the situation depends on his company and him, he is a vice president.
Edit 3: Aaaah guys please stop thinking I’m in the apocalypse. There is no horde of zombies chasing me. I don’t need pieces of advice like “get yourself a gun” or “learn how to carve fresh meat with only the things you find in the forest”. I do not need to “survive” I’m just a teen who’s scared of war.
The situation is getting so fucking worse, I don’t know what to do. I am very scared, my family and friends are in danger. The Russian army is going towards Kyiv, Sumy and Kherson are already occupied. SHIT I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY, ME AND MY FAMILY ARE JUST PACKING OUR THINGS UP, WE HEAR PLANES FLYING ABOVE ALMOST EVERY MINUTE. Many of you asked me to keep you in touch, but I’m not gonna be able to see your comments most likely.
This may be my last ever post on Reddit, so wish me luck, I think I’m gonna need it. Russians are on their way here and I am so frightened. Thanks to the people who were giving me the advice about how to behave and what things to pack, without you, my family would’ve been left without almost any kind of useful supply. Goodbye to you all, stay safe, pray for Ukraine.
A Ukrainian Citizen on Reddit
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