LinkedIn is basically turning into a “professional” Instagram – Khalid Farhan

This is Maklu, my cat.
3 years ago, if you were on LinkedIn, the chance of a cat photo appearing on your LinkedIn feed was “zero”.
LinkedIn didn’t prioritize video or images back then.
A lot has changed since then.
LinkedIn now encourages you to:
– Post personal stories
– Share videos
– Share images
Yeah, they tell you still relate it someway to your entrepreneurial or professional ventures, like Maklu here is representing sanity after you close a sale -_-
The point is simple!
You can’t ignore the power of Images or videos.
Even if you are LinkedIn.
Here are some crazy stats for you:
LinkedIn is a 19-year-old company now, with 800m+ users (Insta has 1.2b).
60% of the LinkedIn audience is between 24-35 years old.
You can follow companies, people, & newsletters on LinkedIn.
And now with them prioritizing images and videos, LinkedIn is basically turning into a “professional” Instagram.
Which is a good thing!
Because now you can do exactly the things you did on Instagram to grow your audience and voice here.
That’s the reason why you are seeing this “cat photo” on your “professional LinkedIn feed” and it is only going to increase from here on.
LinkedIn wants it to happen!
Khalid Farhan
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